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After pregnancy or significant weight loss it is quite common for there to be excess skin in the lower abdomen and muscle separation also called diastasis recti or rectus divarication. If the muscle separation persists it can cause a ‘pot belly’ appearance which can look as if you are still pregnant. Lower back pain and lack of core strength are commonly associated with this.  Abdominoplasty surgery is used to remove the excess skin, repair the abdominal muscles and restore the normal anatomy of the abdominal wall. Carefully planned surgery can dramatically improve core strength and cosmetic appearance in a single operation.

Before and After Gallery

A 41 yr old mother of 2, had a full abdominoplasty by David Floyd, with a muscle repair and a mesh repair of an umbilical hernia. The second pictures was taken 5 months after surgery.

A 36 yr old mother of 2, had a full abdominoplasty and muscle repair by Mr Floyd. The second image was taken 2 years post-op.

This 45 yr old developed a large umbilical hernia during her second pregnancy. David Floyd treated this with a mesh repair of the hernia, and a full abdominoplasty. The umbilicus was reconstructed at a second operation 6 months later. The second image was taken 18 months after the first operation.

This 54 year old had a full abdominoplasty and liposuction by David Floyd. The second image was taken 5 months later.

The 36 year old had 2 children and developed distortion and pigmentation around the umbilicus. She had a full abdominoplasty with central skin excision. The second image was taken 2 years later.

A 36 year old had a full abdominoplasty and umbilical hernia repair by David Floyd. Post op image was taken at 5 months.

This 39 year old developed a massive diastasis after a cesarian section and an umbilical hernia. She had a full abdominoplasty and hernia repair by Mr Floyd. Second image was taken at 8 months post-op.

A 48 year old had full abdominoplasty with liposuction to upper abdomen and inner thighs. Second image taken at 1 year post-op.

This 29 year old had 3 children. Mr Floyd carried out a full abdominoplasty with circumferential liposuction. The second image was taken 10 month post-op.

Please note that all images are original and un-modified and patients have kindly given consent for their use.

Thank you Mr Floyd for fixing me and all the other mothers like me so that we can feel normal again, bounce on trampolines with our children and chase around after them. You didn’t just fix my body but you fixed my mind too. You changed my life and I wont forget it.

EP, Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty – what you need to know

Length of surgery 1-2 hours
Anaesthesia General anaesthetic
In-patient stay 1-2 nights and always performed in a hospital operating theatre
Frequent Complications Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness
Infrequent Complications Infection, delayed wound healing, bleeding(haematoma), asymmetry, poor scarring, seroma
Recovery 5-10 days before socialising with friends and family
7-10 days off work
1st dressing at 1 week
driving 2-4 weeks
return to the gym 6 weeks
travel abroad 4 weeks
Follow-up 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months

One of the main reasons why women want a tummy tuck is that they feel they look pregnant, they have no core support to their abdomen, so they feel they’ve always got a bit of a bulge that they can’t easily control and they often have excess skin. And in general it just makes them feel very unladylike, very uncomfortable, and they can’t dress comfortably. So the tummy tuck is designed to remove the excess skin, to tighten up the muscles and to resolve all of those issues. And if it works well it returns their core strength, it means they can jump up out of a chair quickly again, they can sit up in bed without having to roll sideways because they’ve got more strength in their abdomen. If you have back pain, it can often help with the back pain because it produces more interior core support and often symptoms of back pain will resolve following surgery. But the main advantage is you remove the overhang of skin, you restore a flat abdominal wall, and actually the confidence that that gives the patients that need this operation is quite dramatic. Their posture improves, they just feel much better, they’re much more comfortable dressing in their clothes and feel much more comfortable out of their clothes. So, for the right patient it is an excellent operation with huge psychological benefit.

The main group of patients that require a tummy tuck are women who’ve had children. The effect of pregnancy causes usually three different things. It causes separation of the rectus muscles, which are the six-pack muscles that run either side of the tummy button, causes separation of those muscles which gives a sort of central fullness to the abdomen when the women stand up, that can sometimes be so severe that it makes them look still pregnant. That’s the first thing that happens with pregnancy. The second thing is that all the skin stretches up, you get stretch marks, and when the baby is born and everything settles down, sometimes women are left with an overhang of skin. And the third thing that can happen is there can be a small hernia through the umbilicus. Now a tummy tuck is designed to deal with these issues.
